среда, 26 сентября 2012 г.

Pitch sell-off gets red card.(News) - The News Letter (Belfast, Northern Ireland)

CASTLEREAGH council has scored an own goal with its plans to sell off Hydebank playing fields in south Belfast, an Alliance councillor has said.

Geraldine Rice was speaking after a protest at the playing field when footballers voiced their anger over the sell-off designed to make way for a supermarket.

Mrs Rice said: ''Footballers who use Hydebank have turned out in force to give Castlereagh council the red card over the sell-off of their playing fields.'

Former Sports Minister Michael McGimpsey

The UUP MLA said, on behalf of residents, he was protesting loudly over the proposed sale and lobbying the DoE to discourage planning permission for another hypermarket.


VOCAL: Cllr Geraldine Rice and Michael McGimpsey MLA speaking at Hydebank playing fields